JUNE 9 – JULY 19, 2025
Rosewood Arts Center in Kettering, Ohio announces a call for entries for the 30th annual The View, a juried exhibition for Ohio artists presenting landscape or land imagery, environmental themes and world issues. Submissions will be accepted starting Saturday, March 1, 2025 on Call for Entry. Entries must be original works in any media (2-D or 3-D), completed within the last four years. Jurying will take place from digital images. Work previously exhibited at Rosewood is not eligible. Completed entries (entry form, digital images, and non-refundable entry fee of $25 for up to 3 works), will be on CallforEntry.org through April 20, 2025. The exhibition runs from June 9 through July 19, 2025. Both the exhibition and reception are free and open to the public.
Artists must agree to the Gallery Virtual Group Exhibition Agreement to participate in a group exhibition.

From Liz Maugans, Juror for the 31st Annual Juried Landscape Exhibition The View:
“I am the Director of YARDS Projects, and Curator of the Dalad Collection at Worthington Yards in Cleveland’s Warehouse District. I co-founded and was the Former Executive Director of Zygote Press, a non-profit printmaking studio located in Cleveland for over 25 years. I founded the Collective Arts Network, a quarterly journal, online resource and arts consortium that works to promote Northeast Ohio artists and organizations to a greater audience. I am the founder of the Artist Trust (renamed The Cleveland Artist Registry), an open access multidisciplinary artist registry to connect Cuyahoga County Artists to each other and the greater community. I teach in the Arts and Design School at Cleveland State University and hold the post of the Haddad Arts Mentor, supporting students in obtaining paid internships in the arts and museum sector.
For 40 years+, I have organized one-person and thematic group exhibitions featuring regional, national and internationally known artists. My curatorial specialization is my devotion to emerging artists, social justice and local experimental practices that broaden access through social networks, inclusion and community-building initiatives. I am an artist with a strong studio and social practice and am represented by Hedge Gallery.”
Saturday February 1st, 2025 on Call For Entry (www.callforentry.org)
Thursday, April 20, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
By April 29, via email
June 9 – July 19, 2025
Saturday, July 19, 1 – 3 pm
- Entrants may submit up to three works of art per entry. Multiple entries are permitted
- Entrants may provide up to two images per artwork
- All media considered
- Artwork must be created within the last four years
- Artists must be residents of Ohio
- Works previously exhibited at Rosewood Gallery are not eligible
Jury is done from digital files. A non-refundable entry fee of $25 for up to three artworks must accompany each entry. Multiple entries are permitted. Accepted artworks must be ready to hang/install upon arrival at Rosewood Arts Center, and must be labeled with artist’s name and artwork title on the piece or its packaging.
Awards totaling $1,100 will be distributed at the discretion of the juror. In addition, a People’s Choice Award will be awarded by the Joan W. McCoy Memorial Art Fund through the Kettering Parks Foundation. Rosewood Arts Center encourages sales, for which the City of Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department retains a 30% commission.
Every precaution is taken in handling exhibiting artwork. All work is insured during the installation process and while the work is on display. The Gallery Coordinator reserves the right to reject work if it differs from the work presented in the original application, violates any conditions set forth in this prospectus, or is unsafe to display for any reason. Artists who are shipping their work are responsible for shipping charges both ways. Return shipping must be pre-paid with a pre-paid label through UPS or FedEx. If no such arrangements are made, the artwork will not be returned. All wall pieces must include proper hanging materials or instructions. Participating artists must agree to be bound by the Gallery Group Exhibition Agreement.