Category: City News

Studio Star at Rosewood Arts Center: Brendan Higgins!

My name is Brendan Higgins and I have lived in Kettering all of my life. Fairmont High School got me interested in an art career. I use Rosewood’s resources to expand my skills and attend their classes and open studio. I am a graphic designer for Epilson System Company. I’m also with the Dayton Urban … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Megan Siens

Give a big hello to our Kettering Fitness Patron Spotlight Megan Siens!! Meg, husband Adam and their dog Bruce have been residents of Kettering for many years. They have been members of the Kettering Rec and KFWC for about a year now. They often play disc golf at Indian Riffle, walk the Rec center’s indoor … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Rahul Guha

Say hello to our Kettering Fitness Patron Spotlight Rahul Guha!! Rahul has been a member of KFWC since 2016. Rahul grew up in Beavercreek and works at Wright-Patt as a cost analyst. His biggest passion is being a high school speech and debate coach. He has been coaching, doing public speaking and participating in acting … Continued

Studio Star at Rosewood Arts Center: Don Williams

Studio Star at Rosewood Arts Center: Don Williams My name is Don Williams and I am a retired architect who now builds with clay. I have been involved with Rosewood since 1984. I am originally from Troy, Ohio. I became a Kettering resident in 1962. I have two sons and four grandchildren. My wife is … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Mike Fetcher

Kettering Fitness Employee Spotlight: Mike Fecher Mike has been working at the Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center since October 2021. He has also been a member since 1990 at the Kettering Recreaction Complex! Mike enjoys engaging with the patrons and getting his workout in after his shift ends.. “The facility is always clean and organized,” … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Jacob McGlaun

Meet Jacob McGlaun, our Kettering Fitness Spotlight patron! Jacob started working out at the Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center in the summer of 2023 and immediately felt welcomed by the friendly staff. Since then, he has started a course in movement training in London, but he always comes back to Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Kristin Jumer

Say hello to our Kettering Fitness Patron Spotlight Kristin Jumer! Kristin has been a member of the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center for over five years! She worked in the mental health field before and during the Covid pandemic. In Kristin’s words, “The patrons here have been like family to me.” Helping her home an … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Sandy Angelopoulos

Happy Friday! Today’s featured fitness patron is Sandy Angelopoulos, who has been a member of the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center for over 10 years! Recently, her workouts have helped her overcome injuries resulting from a car accident last year. Congratulations on all your progress – we’re cheering for you, Sandy! Tell us about yourself … Continued

Fitness Patron Spotlight: Julie Clark

Happy Friday! Today, we’re featuring fitness patron, Julie Clark, who serves as a job coach at Fairmont High School in addition to owning her own jewelry business. She works out with personal trainer Hannah and has lost 20 pounds since 2022, as well as gaining more strength. Way to go, Julie! Tell us about yourself … Continued

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