Category: City News

Online registration – updates coming soon!

Online registration has proved a big challenge for many of our patrons. Your calls and social media comments didn’t go unheard. Starting September 11, 2017, we’ll be launching a three-day update process to our registration system. The system will be down from September 11 – 13. And remember – our registration site is separate from … Continued

Program cancellation and facility closure information guide

Wondering if your softball game is canceled? Is the Kettering Recreation Complex closed due to snow? We’ve made a couple of changes to how we communicate that information. Here are the details, courtesy of Division Manager of Recreation Facilities, Sonja Rom. How does the new communication chain make it easier to find information? The goal … Continued

Wake up your routine – visiting a park can fight fatigue!

Do you struggle to stay awake at your desk post lunch? Or get home from work and immediately collapse on the couch? Visiting a park at lunchtime could be the key to beating the afternoon blah’s, recent studies suggest. A brisk walk while focusing on nature instead of work kept study participants more productive in … Continued

Recap: Art on the Commons

Beautiful sunny skies and mild temps made Rosewood Arts Centre’s 29th annual Art on the Commons an ideal day for enjoying Lincoln Park Civic Commons, artwork, music, food and youth activities. Over 10,000 people came out to see us, and several hundred kids created origami boats, finger puppets and beaded jewelry, as well as enjoyed … Continued

Bee the Change

What’s happening to all the bees? Due to a variety of factors, bees have been on the decline for several years. You’ve probably heard a lot about this already! Curious about what the deal is and wondering how to help? Scroll down to learn more. The buzz on bees Yes, bees make honey, but they … Continued

Lower your stress level by creating art

Remember drawing and fingerpainting as a kid? Now, when was the last time you made art as an adult? Most people stop creating spontaneous artwork for fun as they get older – they lose interest or decide there’s a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way to create. You might want to pick the paintbrush back up – … Continued

Web Wednesday: You Talked Tech. We Listened!

You Talked Tech. We Listened! Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts is serious about providing positive customer experiences. And in the twenty-first century, more and more of those experiences are starting online. When a lot of you told us that online registration was too difficult or that information on the website wasn’t accessible, we took … Continued

Youth Sports for the Win

Whether you’re running down the field, cheering from the stands or even sitting on the bench, the benefits of sports can’t be denied. Aside from the obvious health benefits of physical exercise and cardiovascular workout that sports provide, the mental and emotional benefits are plentiful. Sense of Community: One of the first things young athletes … Continued

Get out and explore!

After a long day of sitting at school, it’s vital that kids get outside and get moving. Don’t settle for screens as the afternoon activity of choice – there’s a lot of evidence that this does more harm than good. According to a recent study, The Nature of Americans, computers and TV are the things … Continued

National Parks & Recreation Month Friday Feature: Art All Around

It’s National Parks and Recreation Month, but in Kettering, we’re not just Parks and Recreation. That’s right, we’re the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts! Although originally founded as the City of Kettering Department of Parks and Recreation, the name was later updated to reflect the city’s unique arts offerings. This week, we’re taking … Continued

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