Environmental Education

The environmental education program is continuing to grow and evolve.  What began in 2003 as the Land Lab Nature Program with the Kettering City Schools has greatly expanded in recent years.  In April 2013, the Habitat Environmental Center was completed, and was the final project of the 2008 Bond Levy. We are pleased to have this facility to greatly expand our environmental education programming for the community.  We offer year-round programs, so be sure to check out what we’re offering this season.Ecofest flyer

Ecofest butterfly photo


environmental ed

Habitat Environmental Center and Environmental Education Programming
3036 Bellflower St.
Kettering, OH 45409
Managed By: Kerri Miles

General Questions or Inquiries may be directed to habitatcenter@Ketteringoh.org


To engage and educate, advancing environmental literacy and creating a more equitable and sustainable future.


We will foster stewardship behavior and create a culture that capitalizes on nature-based recreation, cultivating bonds to place and enhance the Kettering community.


Through current and quality education opportunities, encourage environmental stewardship to reduce environmental impacts and promote sustainability.

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