Happy Friday! This week’s featured fitness patron is Megan Blaskovich, who joined the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center for added accountability in her workouts and has been reaching her goals with the help of personal trainer Thomas. Congrats on all your wellness progress, Megan!
Tell us about yourself and how long you’ve been a member of the Kettering Fitness & Wellness Center.
I joined KFWC in Summer 2021. I had always been pretty active, but coming out of the pandemic, I really wanted to focus, get some structure and add some accountability after being inconsistent during lockdown.
What personal obstacles have you overcome and how did our fitness facilities help you through?
I joined just before turning 40 years old and really wanted to focus on strength, stability and mobility. I wanted to start taking better care of my joints. Since I started training with Thomas, I have much more confidence to come in, go for bigger weights and really push myself.
Do you have any personal health and fitness goals, won a competition, etc.?
I just hit 500 lbs combined for my squat, bench and deadlift. Now, I have new PRs I want to hit for each lift and get a pull-up as well.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Joining a gym and starting any program can be very intimidating. Everyone is so warm and supportive. It is nice coming into what feels like a community.