Say hello to our Kettering Fitness Patron Spotlight Rahul Guha!! Rahul has been a member of KFWC since 2016. Rahul grew up in Beavercreek and works at Wright-Patt as a cost analyst. His biggest passion is being a high school speech and debate coach. He has been coaching, doing public speaking and participating in acting events at Beavercreek High School since 2012.
On top of a regular job, coaching is a huge part of Rahul’s schedule from September to April every year. In 2020, his son was born and time became even more scarce. There was always something more urgent than fitness on his mind. With his schedule, diet is also difficult. At every tournament there are boxes of pizza and it’s easy to just pick up junk food to bring home after a long day of working and coaching. In Rahul’s words, “KFWC is such a great gym. It’s clean, affordable, has everything you need!” It’s also right down the street from him! KFWC was the easiest place for him to become a member. However, what it has really become to him is a community between other patrons, staff and his trainer Thomas. Even as busy as he was, he started having fun with his fitness routine and happily made it a part of his schedule each week.
Last fall he started coming to the gym during his busy season and his first goal was to go twice a week. Even though he had a great season, without diet changes and just not coming regularly enough, he ended up in the worst shape of his life. He really had to think about his summer and decided if he didn’t get healthier during the off-season that he’d have to seriously consider stepping down from coaching. He did it! He has a long way to go but with trainer Thomas, a regular schedule, and diet changes he is feeling better than ever and is excited for a new season. His new goal is to end a season in even better shape than when he started it!
The best line he heard that helped him in the beginning was “if you aren’t going to go to the gym because you think you will have a bad workout, just go and have a bad workout.” He has had a lot of bad days, but fewer and fewer of them as he goes! He is looking forward to another year at KFWC!
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