Image: Rhonda Zink (center) is a longtime member of our Parkinson’s Circuit Class.
Today, we’re spotlighting exercise patron Rhonda Zink, who has been taking the Parkinson’s Circuit Class with us for several years. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Rhonda!
1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started taking the Parkinson’s Circuit Classes?
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in January 2017. In 2018, my best friend mentioned to me she saw there was an exercise class at the Kettering Recreation Complex designed for Parkinson’s sufferers. I was hooked after the first one I attended. I still work full time and it’s offered mid-day, so I come during my lunch hour twice a week.
2. What is your favorite thing about the class?
I had no experience with TRX before this. When I first saw it, I thought, how can someone with Parkinson’s be able to use this? But it’s actually my favorite thing to work out on. A close second is the group who attends the class. It’s really a support to be with others who have the disease and the way we encourage each other to keep moving.
3. Do you have any personal health and fitness goals?
It’s hard to have long term goals with a progressive disease – it’s better to have short term goals. My current goals are a 30 minute walk at least 5 times a week and attending a group exercise class 3 times a week even though I’m still working. I’m planning on retiring later this year – I would like to add weight training twice a week.
4. What is ONE thing that keeps you focused and motivated to come back to classes each week?
There is a lot of research being done on treatment for Parkinson’s, but the one thing all the experts agree on is that regular moderate to vigorous exercise will delay the progression of the disease. This class is a big part of my plan to get the highest quality of life for as long as I can.
I just want to add, I feel grateful every day that my city has a recreation program that saw an opportunity to create such an exercise class. I believe I read somewhere that Parkinson’s is the highest number of neurological conditions diagnosed, second only to Alzheimer’s. The ease of access through a city rec program is something a lot of people wish they had. In addition to the support of my fellow members, [instructor] Nick is just perfect for this assignment. We learn exercise and general physical wellness tips from him all the time.
The Parkinson’s Circuit Class is held Tuesdays and Thursday from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Kettering Recreation Complex. Learn more about group exercise in Kettering, including fees, reservations and class descriptions. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.