Gallery Programs
Partner Programs with Dayton Metro Library
Join us as we partner with Dayton Metro Library for a lively discussion about a current book featuring art and/or artists as central elements. Enjoy light refreshments and the company of fellow art and book lovers at our quarterly events. Free and open to the public, ages 16+. Books are made available for checkout at the Dayton Metro Library's Kettering Wilmington-Stroop branch.
Free and open to the public, ages 16+
Next Meeting: Monday April 28, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.
The Trackers by Charles Frazier
In The Trackers, singular American writer Charles Frazier conjures up the lives of everyday people during an extraordinary period of history that bears uncanny resemblance to our own. With the keen perceptions of humanity and transcendent storytelling that have made him beloved for decades, Frazier has created a powerful and timeless new classic.
2nd Thursday of each month, 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Foster an early love of art with Storytime at Rosewood Gallery! Parents and children ages three through six are invited to enjoy one to four stories followed by a hands-on craft led by a Rosewood instructor. Free and open to the public!
Regular Programs
2nd and 4th Thursday each month
Noon - 1 p.m.
Join fellow artists and art lovers for a casual lunch get together. Share current projects, collected works or art stories. Bring a lunch and your love of art!
For inquiries about our current programs or to speak to staff about leading a new program, contact the Gallery Coordinator.