Every July, the National Recreation and Park Association sponsors National Park and Recreation Month to highlight the benefits access to quality parks, recreation and cultural arts programming brings to the public. Each year’s celebration includes a unique theme. For 2022, we’re highlighting ‘We Rise Up for Parks and Recreation.’
This theme celebrates all the professionals who build strong, vibrant and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation. This July, we are bringing attention to how important it is to rise up and support our field, because every day, park and recreation professionals rise up for their communities in service of citizens’ overall health and well-being.
On our PlayKettering website and social channels throughout July, we’ll be highlighting staff and community members who have gone above and beyond to support parks and recreation in our community. Follow along to learn more about these wonderful Kettering staff, patrons and volunteers.
We’re also curious about your story! July is the perfect time to see what Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts has to offer and to share your stories about what parks and recreation mean to you. As we have shifted back to in-person events over the past year and more people have returned to our facilities, we’ve enjoyed reconnecting with community members. If you have a story to share with us, let us know by following PlayKettering on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.