Every July, the National Recreation and Park Association sponsors National Parks and Recreation Month to highlight the benefits access to quality parks, recreation and cultural arts programming brings to the public. Each year’s celebration includes a unique theme. For 2021, we’re highlighting Our Park and Recreation Story.
The services that parks and recreation professionals provide are vital for our communities — from protecting open space and natural resources to encouraging wellness and providing activities and resources for all people. This was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, when parks were among the only public spaces available for use. During this month, our staff and community members are reflecting on the ways they overcame the numerous challenges posed during the past year.
On our website and social channels throughout July, we’ll be sharing memories from staff about how they shifted to provide resources during the shutdown and from members of the public who used our facilities to help get them through a difficult time. As our department and community enjoy the transition into a more normal way of life, we’re all looking back on the many ways we made the best of a tough situation and how those experiences will help us shape our services going forward.
We’re also curious about your story! July is the perfect time to see what Kettering Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts has to offer and to share your stories about what parks and recreation mean to you. Three in five people visited a local park, trail, public open space or recreation facility during last year’s spring lockdown. Parks and recreation have played a key role in nearly everyone’s story over the past year. If you made new memories or discovered a new place to enjoy the outdoors, let us know by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.