Retired teacher Kathy Rhoades has been an active member of the Kettering Recreation Complex for nearly two decades. As someone who has always valued good nutrition and exercise, the Complex has been an integral part of her healthy lifestyle.
Rhoades spent 20 years teaching Family and Consumer Sciences at Kettering Fairmont High School before retiring in 2015. An avid outdoor enthusiast, she enjoys sailing, kayaking, hiking, biking and gardening. Staying fit allows her to keep doing the activities she loves.
“Since retiring in 2015, I worked out twice a week in aerobics classes and weightlifting,” said Rhoades. “I also went one day a week to a private personal trainer who taught me a lot about proper form, breathing and stretching.”
When Covid hit, Rhoades had to pivot her fitness routine. She worked out at home using a rowing machine, weights, stretching and nightly walks. However, over the next 5 1/2 years she struggled to maintain a consistent workout schedule.
“I began to notice that I was losing strength in my legs and upper body,” Rhoades explained. “My breathing became labored and very concerning.”
Five months ago, Rhoades rejoined the Rec Complex, returning to her twice-weekly routine. The impact was almost immediate.
“Within a few sessions, my breathing became deeper and more regular,” she said. “I feel good when I’m finished and look forward to comparing my strength in my regular activities between this year and last, especially in sailing.”
Looking ahead, Rhoades’ goal is to continue participating in her favorite pursuits while keeping up with her six grandchildren.
“I want to be perky until I’m 99,” she said with a smile. “I have 25 years to go. If I get less, oh well, and if I get more, bonus!”