Kettering Parks Foundation

The Kettering Parks Foundation was established in 1982 to assist in improving the quality of life for Kettering citizens by supplementing the services provided by the Kettering Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Department.

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It achieves this goal through the generous donations of many individuals, businesses, industries and organizations. These tax-deductible donations allow the Foundation to have a direct and immediate impact on the community – by planting a tree, sending a child to camp or improving the City’s cultural amenities.

The Kettering Parks Foundation meets the third Thursday of each month.

Visit the Kettering Parks Foundation Website to learn more.

Foundation Members

David L. Bodary

Linda Hadley

Bill Tschirhart

Jerry B. Barnett
David Dutton
Michael Eckley
Quinn Kline
Cheryl Shimmin
Frank Spolrich
Jane Testa

Statutory Agent
Chris George

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