Jo-Ann Morgan: Comfort Quilts: Remembering the Innocent

JO-ANN MORGAN (Surfside Beach, SC), Comfort Quilts: Remembering the Innocent
April 22 – May 25, 2024

Jo-Ann Morgan’s stitched fabric quilts reflect contemporary social issues, including gun violence and immigration.  Through the medium, Morgan creates compositions that are “familiar and approachable … to address provocative topics related to social justice and inequality. Art can be a way to process events and experiences that are almost too much to bear.” Morgan is Professor Emeritus of African American Studies and Art History at Western Illinois University, and earned her PhD from University of California, Los Angeles.  Her quilts have been exhibited across the US and featured in such publications as Fiber Arts Now.

Jo-Ann Morgan

Jo-Ann Morgan, Elegy for Elijah, 2021, stitched fabric

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