My name is Brendan Higgins and I have lived in Kettering all of my life. Fairmont High School got me interested in an art career. I use Rosewood’s resources to expand my skills and attend their classes and open studio.
I am a graphic designer for Epilson System Company. I’m also with the Dayton Urban Sketchers Group. My work takes me too many locations around Dayton and here in Kettering. Visiting these different locations gives us inspiration for sharing art advice. My goal is to be an effective urban sketcher by visiting many places to capture interesting subjects with my ink/watercolor media.
Rosewood has excellent galleries and resources for many artists in many fields. It is a perfect place for my family to learn and develop their artistic sides. I have had my art displayed at Rosewood in many different shows. It’s a good network for meeting many local and nonlocal artists. Don’t be shy to submit your art for Rosewood shows! You will be amazed by Kettering’s Art Community!
This interview has been brought to you by the Kettering Arts Council. We are so happy to have him as a part of our community!