31st Annual Dayton-Area Works on Paper
Virtual Gallery
Rosewood Gallery in Kettering, Ohio is pleased to announce the opening of the 31st annual Dayton-area Works on Paper exhibition. The exhibition will run from January 11 through February 19, 2021 and will be on view in-person at Rosewood Gallery, as well as here in this virtual gallery.
Works on Paper is a juried exhibition for artists living within a 40-mile radius of Dayton, Ohio. This year, 47 artists from Dayton and the surrounding areas submitted 118 pieces, from which the juror, Kay Koeniger, chose 37 artworks, representing 27 artists. She also selected award winners totaling $750. The People's Choice award presented by the Joan W. McCoy Memorial Fund will be announced at the close of the show (scroll down to cast your vote for your favorite piece). Awards will be presented during a virtual ceremony, currently scheduled for Friday, January 22 at 5 p.m. More details on the virtual ceremony are forthcoming and will be announced soon. Juror Kay Koeninger is an Associate Professor of Art at Sinclair Community College in Dayton.
Participating artists include Claudia Baldwin, Kathie Bowers, Mary Callaway, Bruce Campbell, Deborah Dixon, Rhonda Duncalf, Alyson Annette Eshelman, Connie Gifford, Connie Grant, Shannon Grecula, Michael (Ace) Gummer, John Hankiewicz, Colleen Kelsey, Barb McBee, Keven McNeeley, Pete Mitas, Clarice Moore, Kathy A. Moore, Carol O'Neal, Don Patty, Linda Phillips, Tameria H. Rigsby, Pat Robinow, Jill Spencer, Emily von Stuckrad-Smolinski, Doug Taylor, Frank Travers and Margaret E. Wittmer.
Congratulations to our juror award winners!